Přemysl Marek
senior manažer
Ozvěte se mi ještě dnes
Osobní reference mých klientů
ověřené z hodnocení a recenzí Google.com a Firmy.cz
zdroj: Google.com
So, my experience with PFS is overall positive - we know each other for almost 7 years now. Přema is a true professional; knows the market, knows the surrounding, if by a chance unsure about something he'll check and investigate. So far he and his team have helped me at least dozen of times with getting right financial products, insurance, mortgages, ownership transfers, investments etc. You can count on getting realistic estimation and opinion about things happening in this crazy financial world. Truly professional approach, open minded and fair approach you can expect. I can only recommend, and wishing them lot of success.
Připojte se do prémiové rodiny našich spokojených klientů
Našim klientům jsme za uplynulý kalendářní rok zprostředkovali úvěry v objemu
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